MS- 6-1
Mini-symposium title
6-1 – Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical and Structural Systems
Sergey Sorokin (Aalborg University), Jon Juel Thomsen (Technical University of Denmark), Giuseppe Rega (Sapienza University of Rome), Ashu Sharma (Auburn University)
Mini-symposium description
The mini-symposium will be focused on recent advancements in nonlinear vibrations of mechanical and structural systems, and related subjects. Topics to be covered by this mini-symposium include, but are not limited to:
Nonlinear vibrations and acoustics of structural and machine elements
Bifurcations and stability of systems
Exploiting nonlinear dynamics for engineering design: smart structures and devices
Nonlinear wave propagation in mechanical systems
Micro/nano-electro-mechanical nonlinear systems
Slow-fast nonlinear systems and phenomena
Energy harvesting using nonlinearity
Fluid-structure interaction and coupled problems
Reduced-order and data-driven modelling of nonlinear systems
Time- and/or space-periodic nonlinear systems
Nonlinear modelling of friction and damping
Vibro-impact processes and analysis
Computational nonlinear dynamics
Experimental methods in nonlinear dynamics
System identification of structural nonlinearity
Systems with time-delay
Structural health monitoring based on nonlinear features
Nonlinear vibrations for sensing applications